Friday, May 19, 2006

But, will she actually post?

So... Yeah. A knit blog. I am a nerd, and I know it.

As I told Rea, I will kick off this blog with a wonderful list of things people ought to help me acquire:
  • A newer, better, more secure computer.
  • A newer, better, less stupid iPod.
  • A college education.
  • Knitting paraphernalia: Specifics coming eventually.
  • A cleaner room with lots of space to store said knitting paraphernalia.

Works in Progress:

Two pairs of socks. One pair for me, and one pair for my grandfather's 70th birthday. Mine are coming along fine (about 75-80% done with the first sock), but my grandpa's seem to be giving me a smidge of trouble. First, I thought to to k1p1 rib then switch to k3p1, but I felt that the 3x1 was getting too lost in the fuzz of the woolease and making the fabric too thick, so I frogged. Switched to 1x1 and stockinette for the rest, but a few rows into the Stst I somehow turned the work and knit flat instead of circularly. Faced with the horrible thought of ripping AGAIN I gave up and decided to putt grandpa's socks down for a few days.

On the back burner (but hopefully not for too long) I've got a shrug-in-progress. A while back I bought a cute little purple shrug from H&M, and wanted to knit one in black to match my prom dress. So I started knitting, and about a third of the way through I found out that, because of Josh's stupid parents, I wouldn't be going to prom. Since I wasn't going to prom there was no reason for me to be in such a rush to finish it, so I started socks. Yay socks!

On another note, this entry has helped me realize that since I'm no longer a forum goer or bloggist (I DON'T CARE IF THAT'S NOT THE PROPER TERM!), my typing has become a bit rusty.

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