Monday, September 25, 2006


I finally cast on for the first of my holiday knitting projects, Uncle Bobby's socks, and I've already messed them up a gazillion times. First, I decided it would be a really good idea to start the cabling on them at three thirty in the morning, and woke up to a complete disaster. Then, yesterday, I thought, "Well, I'm sitting here with five people around me, carrying on twelve different conversations at once... This would be the PERFECT opportunity to cast on for UB's Socks!" and I twisted the cast on (something I have NEVER done before!). And today, I got all of the ribbing done and about four rows of the pattern, and I crossed two cables in the wrong direction.

An uncooperative sock is the last thing I need on top of everything that happened this week.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

La di da.

The Revised Complete Gift list:
1. Gram - Print o' the Wave Stole (Apparently, she's allergic to wool. But she's getting the thing with the yarn it calls for, like it or not.)
2. Grandpa - Cabled scarf and gloves. (Something pretty basic, nothing too showy. He's just not that kind of guy. And the glove pattern is in the book Gram gave me.)
3. Suzy - Felted purse (Cause I think she might get more use out of something less... jangly.)
4. Uncle Bobby - Really Damn Cool Socks. Bitches.
5. Dylan - Red "Cool Kid" hat. Something sporty.
6. Tyler - Blue and green cabled hat.
7. Andrew - Multi-Orange Fair Isle hat (something along these lines)
8. Nana - Meh. I'll think of something. Maybe a smoke ring.
9. Aunt Leenie - Fuzzy slipper socks (To the ankle, by request. I think I'll get slipper bottoms from Elann.)
10. Uncle Chris - Fisherman's watchcap (Maybe with a little anchor on it.)
11. Josh - Sweater vest. He'll probably get his late.
12. Mom - Pretty Beaded Scarf (for a pretty beaded lady.)

What have I been knitting, you ask? Honestly, nothing. Why? Because I haven't been shopping. Plus, you know, real life gets in the way of everything. Mom and I might be having a major upheval some time this autumn, I just started school (RONNIE IS IN MY ENGLISH CLASS ;B), things with Josh have been alright, but I'm always on the look out for trouble. So pfft. I just don't know. Hopefully I'll find some kind of motivation in the library tomorrow, I'm gonna go before class to look for patterns.

At the very least there's been a little spinning going on. Not that I have much to show for it (working with a spindle takes A LOT of time for me!), but I've been working through the bottle green roving that came with my spindle. I love the color, I love the process, I really love spinning AND I think that working with fiber rather than yarn is much more interesting, but... I miss knitting terribly and can't wait to get started on gifts.