Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Monster Strikes AGAIN!

I decided to go on eBay tonight. Just to look, you know? To compare prices on drop spindles and spinning kits... I didn't mean to spend MORE money on fiber or tools or anything... but... I ended up buying a cute little spindle kit with 2oz of dark green roving and another 4oz ball of blueish green roving.

The good news is that I'm going to be a spinner soon. The bad news is that my total fiber/needle/tool expenses for the week are now totalling about $70.

As of the time this entry is posted, I vow to spend NO MONEY on yarn or knitting supplies for the next month. I am abstaining from fiber-related purchases until August 26, 2006. And after Aug. 26, winter gift shopping will begin.

Speaking of winter gift shopping, I was thinking that if I get to be any good at this spinning thing, I could give my grandmother a skein of hand spun yarn for christmas. I just don't know what she'd make with it. Fat Karen and What's for Dinner (Josh's parents) will probably get scarves.

Goodnight, don't let the moth larvae bite.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I've Created a Monster!

Actually, I've created a DPN case. I took pictures of it, too. But the pictures are far away on the downstairs computer, so I'm not going to post them tonight. It came out real cute, though.

On Friday night I ordered two skeins of allhemp6 (in cinnamon and pumpkin) for this project. It'll be my first hat, and my first venture in to the so-called "wonderful" world of circular knitting needles. I like the look of the hat, and I really like slip stitch knitting, so it should be a good project for me.

I've been working on a stash-busting one-hundred-percent-acrylic log-cabin-style afghan. I might give it to a family member for the holidays, but I have no idea who. Other gift plans include: Hat and mitten sets for little bro, and my cousins, and an afghan for mommy.

I'm having a having a hard time typing.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What is this?

I have plans. Really big plans. Plans to design, to create, to learn.

But... I always seem to have such a hard time getting off my ass and DOING anything.

So I avoid construction. I avoid anything that takes real effort or concentration. I stop when I hit any sort of snag or slow down.

But I'm trying.

I'd be much more interested in updating this if I remembered to take pictures.