Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Yay, Presents!

It's kind of been a while.

Not much knitting going on, unfortunately. Between school work and the new boyfriend and making stupid mistakes when I do start to work on something... I just haven't really had the energy.

I'm aching to do something with my first handspun (the lace weight bottle green merino from Annie May's Spin and Wool on eBay), so I decided on a super lacy scarf to take advantage of the fine gauge and the fact that there isn't much yardage. I chose a lace pattern and got to work, but my stitch count kept getting messed up. It's so frustrating.

I did buy myself some presents (which I had planned on linking to, but are no longer listed on the Yarn Wench's website) for getting a good grade on my English exam. Storm Cypress merino roving and Early Dawn Falkland roving. Both are totally gorgeous. I haven't yet touched the merino, but the falkland (though a little weird to work with... it seems more solid that everything I've spun before) I am absolutely in love with. I've never worked with hand painted ANYTHING before, and it is such a treat to watch the colors change and build on one another. Absolutely fabulous.

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